

White Nose Bats, Zombie Boot Camp, And Face Molesting Robo-Bear-Pillow

This week on The Half Hour Happy Hour we have tales of robots and Muppets. Robots that can control your arms and robots that will maul your face to save you from sleep death. We have info on a boot camp for would-be zombie survivalists. There’s also info on how you can turn yourself into a Muppet for $100, which is a pretty sweet deal if you ask us. Can Muppets drink beer? Let’s find out!

Featured Beer
Sweetwater Brewing – 420 Extra Pale Ale

Jer - I’ll have another
Jen - I’ll pass
Justin - I’ll have another


Show notes

3:56 - World’s Largest 3D Painting Creates Nifty Optical Illusion
5:02 - White Nose Petition
6:01 - 25 Worst Internet Passwords of 2011
6:37 - XKCD: Password Security
10:44 - Robot controls human arm
14:33 - Learn to fight zombies at real life zombie boot camp
16:35 - Plush Robot Bear-Pillow Fights Sleep Apnea with Face-Tickles
18:57 - Look at how Microsoft wants to transform Sesame Street
21:57 - FAO Schwartz – Build a Muppet
24:35 - Ranked Choice Voting for better elections
28:22 - Fliers Taken Off Plane to ATMs to Help Buy Fuel
33:53 - German Website Offers Cow-Killing Options for Tastier Beef

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