

Schlafly, Cyborg Yeast, and Email Sucks So Send Letters

Hear that? It’s the sound of another episode of The Half Hour Happy Hour arriving. It’s got a nice twinkle to it. This week, we’ve got your usual mix of the ridiculous and awesome. You know, things like an airline that wants in flight porn. Hmm. There’s also some good social commentary this week as we touch on topics like how much money is wasted on commuting and the ethics of employing technology to monitor/spy on your children. For beer this week, we’ve got a pumpkin ale that was supplied by one of our fantastic listeners. So let’s get to it. Grab your glass and hit that play button.

Featured Beer
Schlafly Beer – Pumpkin Ale

Jer - I’ll have another
Jen - I’ll pass
Justin - I’ll pass


Show notes

2:47 - Cyborg yeast could idiot proof your home brew
4:55 - RyanAir boss proposes porn on planes
10:23 - Sex offender serving life sentence in Florida says soy-based prison food is cruel and unusual punishment
15:01 - Republic Wireless
21:34 - Cell-connected security devices let you keep an eye on your home from anywhere
32:40 - New US postal service ad campaign says email sucks so mail stuff instead
39:34 - The true cost of commuting

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